My Story

My Journey to a Healthier Me!

'So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing' 
- 1 Thessalonians 5:11

So here I am, the head cheerleader, chief encourager, and queen edifier!!  Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating but the point is I'm here to encourage you to live a healthy lifestyle, inside-out and in every area of your life!!   If I did it and am doing it, ANYONE can do it!!

There I was.. overweight, no energy- just tired all of the time, and easing into a size 16!  My faith was nearly non-existent, in fact I was angry with God!  It wasn't until a few months into my healthy lifestyle journey that I realized how and why I was unhealthy (inside and out).  

My mom was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer the Friday before Mother's Day in May 2011 (she had already beat and survived breast cancer when she was diagnosed October 2006).  I was crushed but I masked my disappointment as best I could, keeping a smile on my face!  Food was my comfort!  I ate my way through her bad days, the days I was down and really any opportunity I could get to hide my pain with food!  This overeating and lack of movement helped me get to 210+ pounds.  Enough was enough.

This was me on my mom's birthday (Mar 31, 2013)

Going into 2013 I committed to living a healthier lifestyle - inside out!  For weight-loss, I committed to exercising consistently and to make healthier food choices.  My only two weight-loss goals were to weigh less than 200lbs and to fit into a size 12!  I started walking during my breaks that January of 2013.  My weight-loss journey really started though in May 2013.  That's when I partnered eating healthy with exercise!  I also stepped up my exercise routine by completing Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred.

This was me when I met my first weight-loss goal of weighing less than 200lbs (May 25, 2013):

In May I lost 11lbs and that was the boost I needed to go full steam ahead!!  In June I started the Couch to 5k program and I completed Jillian Michael's Ripped in 30 DVD.  I lost 10lbs that month.  In July, I continued the Couch to 5k program and also started Jillian Michael's 90 Day DVD, Body Revolution.

This was my Ripped in 30 Results!

 I completed the Couch to 5k program in August, which was a HUGE accomplishment for me!  I started that program so many times and never completed it.  Although I did not lose as much during August and September, my transformation was still noticeable in my strength and endurance!  I loved seeing my muscles appear :)

It seemed like everything was going pretty well then the first week in October we received the news that cancer spread to my mom's brain.  Once again I was devastated however this time my response was different.  See, during this whole battle, my mom's faith never wavered!  She never complained and in fact she'd be the one encouraging others!  My mom passed away on October 20th, 2013.  She was and continues to be my biggest inspiration (you will hear a lot more about her).  She was seasoned with grace.  Everything about her was gracious and graceful.  By God's grace, I will continue her legacy!

One of the last Sunday's she was able to go to church.. she was so happy!

In November 2013 I decided to participate in the Finish Breast Cancer Donna Run in my mom's honor.  This was my first half marathon and I had 14 weeks to train.  Running really helped me while I was grieving.   There were many days I would cry during most of the runs but by the time I made it home I had an indescribable peace!  My goal for the marathon was to finish in 2:19 and I finished just under at 2:18:27!!  

Our family after the run - TeamMerryMary (because she was always joyful)!

I've lost 60lbs by doing home workouts, running and eating healthy.  Right now I am completing P90X and still run (not as much).  After that, I plan on doing Body Revolution for the third time then using my Groupon for a month of unlimited crossfit classes and after that I just might join a gym!!  

Make the choice today to live a healthier lifestyle.  Once you make the choice, change will happen!

This is definitely a lifetime journey for me!  


  1. This is awesome! This inspires me to K.I.M. and that is what I intend on doing. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thank you Marla!! I just wore your K.I.M. bracelet yesterday:))

    2. You inspire me to keep going when I dont feel up to it. Thanks for the tips and advice, I am using them to go further and harder. We are born to win!

    3. Thank you Monique!! Like I said, iron sharpens iron! You inspire me and we're inspiring each other!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. OMG, I am in tears!! This is so powerful!

  4. Hey Girl!!! I had no idea you had a blog! So glad I found you through my hubby Jack <3

    1. I saw this in my email yesterday and responded!! I really need to find a tutorial lol!! I saw yours on going though his page and other ladies pages! I'm still learning and trying to connect with others...

  5. Inspired. Can't wait to meet you at the mixer next month!

    1. Thank you so much! I'm looking forward to the mixer next month! Can't wait to mingle with positive women going after their dreams:)
